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Unread 03-13-2012, 02:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Sierrababyy View Post
Im currently on Assignment 023 aswell and i am stuck on the table for Personal and external factors influencing development - Disability, Sensory and Learning. I need ONE example. Please help!!

Personal Factor
influences before birth

Negative – delaying development

Influences before birth
Poor diet whilst pregnant = Obesity, high cholesterol – stroke, heart attack, High sugar levels - diabetes
Smoking whilst pregnant = Lower birth weight, prone to infections, asthma
Drinking too much alcohol = Foetal alcohol syndrome- facial defects will be born small and will continue to be smaller for their age learning difficulties, behavioural problems and poor coordination.
Taking drugs whilst pregnant = Reduce the amount of oxygen the baby receives in the uterus. The drug can be passed through the placenta straight to the baby leading to withdrawal symptoms when born, learning difficulties and/or disabilities, be prone to infection.
Genetics = If parents have had certain illness the child may also have a high risk of developing these – depression, anxiety or self esteem issues, addictions, ADHD/ADD
Infections before birth passed through mother = Rubella – deafness, deformity of heart and eyes,Problems with spleen, bone marrow and liver. Problems with growth and mental disabilities.

Positive – promoting development
When the mother looks after herself throughout her pregnancy she has a higher chance of giving birth to healthy baby.

Personal Factor Negative
Influence during birth
Premature birth = vital organs may not be fully developed
Lack of oxygen to the baby = brain injury, cerebral palsy
Injuries occurring during birth = Nerve injuries, Bleeding in the brain – resulting in seizures.

Positive – promoting development
If the birth was straightforward and there is no other underlying health problems or disability factors the baby has a higher chance of growing up with no developmental problems or delays.

Personal factor
Negative - delaying development
There are a number of health problems that could affect many aspects of the child’s development. The child may need regular hospital treatment and as a result they miss out on school, this could affect their learning as well as having an affect on their social and emotional development.
The child or young person may be healthy themselves but they are caring for a parent with health problems, this again can have a negative affect on their development – physically - supporting the parent in running the house, emotionally – additional worries about their future, socially – feel isolated from peers.

Positive promoting developement
If the birth was straightforward and there is no other underlying health problems or disability factors the baby has a higher chance of growing up with no developmental problems or delays.

These are a few examples

Hope it helps
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