Thread: First Aid Box
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Unread 11-24-2006, 12:55 PM
Posts: n/a

Dont know if any different for toddler groups but assume mums will be giving the first aid so may be different.

The DFEE guidance on first aid says

minimum provision of first-aid items would be:
a leaflet giving general advice on first aid

20 individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings
two sterile eye pads;
four individually wrapped triangular bandages
(preferably sterile);
six safety pins;
six medium sized (approximately 12cm x 12cm)
individually wrapped sterile unmedicated wound
two large (approximately 18cm x 18cm) sterile
individually wrapped unmedicated wound
one pair of disposable gloves
Contents check list
You could also add

A Resusciade (for mouth to mouth)
A roll of non-allergenic adhesive tape (micropore to hold dressings in place)
2 crepe bandages (large and small)
2 conforming bandages (large and small)
A pack of sterile gauze
A pair sharp scissors
A pair of tweezers
Notepad and pencil

we would not have any antiseptic or medicated items in a first aid box
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