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Unread 01-13-2012, 11:08 AM
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Default its not easy

Originally Posted by derynjoe View Post

I know I shouldn't compare, but I was wondering how new starters (sept 10) were getting along, I cant believe how much research we have to do not to mention the depth of the assignments!!!

We are having 1 unit a week delivered in underpinning sessions, its impossible to produce an assignment (around 10 pages) inbetween sessions beside going to work and looking after the family, so they are piling up eeeek.

Ive had two assignments assessed and one observation so I have two units where all criterias have a mark against them, a start I suppose, I have made decent progress on two other assignments, but about 4 are sat waiting.

Can't help but worry as it's been years since Iv'e studied!! Please don't tell me you have all had 5 units signed off lol:rotfl:
i am a singe mum to four chidren, i aready had a part time job when i started this child care course and now what with doing this and working almost every day in a nursery it is hard but since june last year so thats 7 months i have managed to complete and pass my whole level 2 and have done 9 assignments already on my level 3 so it can be done x
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