Thread: Eymp5 1.1
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Unread 01-11-2012, 03:23 PM
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Originally Posted by amina View Post
Hey lynn,
keep up the good work!
dont let other people comment put you down , your answers on this forum have helped me alot that does not mean i have copied it like other people think! , it just made it sooooo much easier for me if you wanted to you could have asked your daughter to help you as she has done her level 5 but to what i see you have asked people questions and answered so many to help others that shows you want to do this urself , i m doing a online course and i knew nothin and i thought wat have i done enrolling for a level 3 course but when i first joined this forum someone made things much more worse for me by saying "has it occurred to you amina that the qualification you are going to receive will allow you to work with children, the most precious thing we have. and that you know virtually nothing? the things you have written have been given you by other people, you do not deserve this qualification. it is an absolute disgrace no wonder you wont tell me what the college or trainer is. children deserve key people who have a vast and deep knowledge about their needs not people who have copied it off others."
and i wanted to GIVE UP! and i did for couple of months but then i thought why should i let this person put me down more like it made me more stronger and now i want to show her i can do this and her comments wont put me down and i feel sorry for her students who because of her must have given up!, i knw kids are precious i have 2 of my own!!! she aint to judge!!
Thanks Amina

well i have just heard off my tutor he has received my certificate and he will drop it off next time he is in my area, so my work has been IV'd and passed so i feel as if all the hard work i have done has been worth it.

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