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Unread 08-04-2011, 04:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Charlie101 View Post
Like I said in the title this is a little rant as I'm so annoyed at my college and especially my tutor!
I have really struggled with this course (like many of us have). I am meant to be finished by the first week of October but I am so behind I am finding this a unliely thought. My tutor know's that I am struggling and whenever I emailed her it sometimes took weeks for her to reply! My last email I got from her was a reply to an email I'd send 5 days before and it basically told me what units I have left to complete (this is because she hasn't uploaded some of the information onto the ENVQ site yet). And now I am unable to contact her until the 5th September as she is on summer holidays.
I am completing everything I can over the holidays but I don't think I will get it all done as I don't have all the notes as I missed a few of the classes.
Sorry for the rant....
Hi Charlie

I will also help if i can, i havent finished like Wendy but only a couple of units and optional units left, with half of this completed.

Ask and i will help if i can

I also want to finish and stuck on a couple of questions and don't see tutor until sept, i feel that basically because i am doing this work based with a few visits now and then from tutor that i am completing this without assistance, i do feel my tutor helps but with 4 EYMP's to finish and optional units that i want to get done by sept and no visits planned i will struggle, i think it is sometimes the way questions are worded.

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