Thread: Quitting
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Unread 05-05-2011, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by gracygrey View Post

Thank you for all the supportive replies.
My assessor came today and we had a brief chat and she talked me into continuing.
She did her observations for unit 2 and has ticked most of it off and all apart from one small bit Unit 1 is all signed off as well. Missed a bit out -
What a turn around. Apparently she was very impressed with my work to date and obs went well today
I am so relieved, now have 2 weeks to finish unit 2 and unit 5.
Professional discussions next time so am sure I will be on here panicking as usual.
It also came to light today that the college have a support advisor person who can come out to the setting to help you - that would've been nice to know

Anyway - onwards and hopefully upwards

Thank you lovely people
well done first of all for having the guts to carry on. I think sometimes we look to much into a question and sometimes they are worded to complicated. As we tell everyone use simple words and then the question will be understood better, you don't have to use complicated words, this makes it more difficult for the question to be understood,unless this is just me being thick lol.
Lynne x
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