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Unread 08-12-2010, 02:15 PM
Heidi Heidi is offline
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Originally Posted by shabbychic View Post
Hey Everyone.

New to silkysteps- dont normally resort to forums but i really need some help with some assessor qus! Any pointers would be greatly appreciated

(im sure we can all relate- the way these things are worded sometimes! its so hard to know how to answer!)

337.1.6 "How might you need to adapt and modify the planned approach in consultation with colleagues, professionals and families?"

308.4.9 "How do you work with colleagues to encourage childrens self esteem and resilience?"

Thanks! x
I always find if you pull these 'long-winded' questions apart or turn them around, they will appear much simpler.

So, if you look at this back to front and think of how you usually talk/deal with colleagues/professionals and families, then think why and when would you have to adapt?

As you are dealing/talking to people you would automatically adapt such as if someone was deaf, visually impaired, unable to read or write (not always if they are foreign, many a time I have had to write cheques out and they just sign), language barrier, people who are unable to attend a setting through illness or disabililty. I hope these will help you to think of other examples.

How do you work with colleagues to encourage children's self-esteem and resilience?

Role modelling how you are with each other - respect, support, praise, giving adults the courage to try things out/risk taking. Making each other feel good and expressing verbally to a colleague that they have done well, will give them confidence to try something new or something they may have doubted themselves about. Risk taking builds up resilience, but you have to have confidence to try things in the first place.

This also applies to children. They need adults who do this for them and for the adults to provide a stable, safe and secure environment for it 'all to come together' etc.
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