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Unread 06-22-2006, 10:53 AM
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Ruthierhyme Ruthierhyme is offline
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Notebook Colouring pictures ~ Yes or No

Having just been somewhat saddened by an email that states the whole of a county within England does not promote the use of colouring pictures and in line with this silkysteps resources will not be recommended.

So it seems .. never mind marmite or liquorice .. is it colouring pictures love them or hate them ..?

:soapbox: kicking off a soap box debate

Is it appropriate to banish a resource due to adult - lay or professional, opinion, knowledge and understanding?

Personally, in contrast to the continuous supply of blank paper available to me as a child I still adored colouring pictures, they gave a frame, border and inner space to practice shading, mixing, blending, they invited experimentation with colour matching, provided an ambition for what was possible on paper and actively motivated the use of books for reference and research .. what colour the flower is, its name, specie.. what diversity exists in the colouring of rabbits..

The finished article bore representational qualities, resemblance and shape that even as a young child I valued, finding colouring pictures both a rewarding and satisfying endeavour.

Much theory today promotes practice that recognises the process of creation over the outcome, or work that focusses on producing an actual product and this is what I support most strongly, not to the exclusion or discrimination against black lined images seeing them removed from early years settings rather their professional inclusion for any child exploring their developing sense of self and the choices on offer to express individuality, creativity and creative learning.

As the paradoxical conundrum examples 'I am unique just like everyone else' :)

Now openly inviting opinion ...

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