Thread: Medicine Policy
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Unread 07-08-2009, 10:34 PM
cabin cabin is offline
Squirrel ~~hoards of knowledge...~~
Join Date: Sep 2006
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cabin is on a distinguished road

Although as Chloe said if the child is ill they should be at home there are exceptions such as teething. I would get signed permission each time. If not how would you know if the parent has not already given a full dose? If a child is teething the parent would know and arrangements could be made at the beginning of session.
If a child in full day-care become so ill during a session they need medication every attempt should be made to contact parent before adminstering any calpol etc. In this case administering medication should only be the last resort in emergency only. Children that are ill need to be collected ASAP and tucked up at home with those closest to them for TLC. xxxx
sorry about spelling - been a very long day.xx
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