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Unread 04-29-2009, 10:03 AM
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10. Provide an environment that is child friendly and encourages play, exploration and problem solving

- think about safety, health and space in your setting
- talk about how you vary your toys to keep it interesting
- give examples of the types of activities you do including craft and sensory play e.g water,sand, cornflour

11. Use culturally and developmentally appropriate activities, materials and first-hand experiences to support learning and development

- role play area e.g dolls house, happyland we have ethnic and white dolls and people with disabilities such as in a wheelchair
- By offering toys that show different cultures promotes inclusion and allows all children to mimic what they observe - children learn through observation and use their imagination to develop ideas and in turn and understanding of the world around them.
- provide resources in the setting to encourage children to be aware of different cultures - give examples
- discuss how every activity on offer reflects the diversity of culture that is, on the first hand in the immediate environment. Then depending on how the activity extends itself can incorporate culture from the wider community.

13. Use a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies, such as talking, listening, making eye contact, persona dolls, singing, rhymes, and stories, circle time

- Good communication means that child feels part of the setting.
- It is important to listen to a child and make eye contact at the same time as this makes them feel their thoughts are valid and of valuable contribution which in turn builds their confidence.
- if a child has a hearing impediment I would speak clearing and perhaps introduce a few basic hand signs.
- use story time to develop listening and literacy skills and music time to develop movement skills and understanding rhyme and rhythm.

16. Support mathematical development through use of maths language, counting, sorting, matching, using maths in the environment, according to the child's age, needs and abilities

- provide mathematical activity sheets for older children and for younger children talk about nursery rhymes that encourage counting e.g 5 little ducks etc.
- older children do cooking and use weighing scales for measuring ingredients.
- discuss numbers in every day language i.e how many . . . etc

17. Support play, creativity and learning activities

Children learn through play and all activities need to be appealing and suitable. If a child is confident and happy with good self esteem they learn more and develop successfully.

- support and encourage play, creativity and learning in activities e.g by providing resources that allow children to make choice which supports creativity.
- effective planning and meeting individual needs, allows the children to express themselves
- encourage creativity.
- role play is also another learning activity and the imagination meets the creative element.


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