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Unread 01-02-2009, 01:43 PM
Charleys Cat
Posts: n/a

Depends what you want out of it, but one thing we do is get the children to draw their own faces by looking in mirrors and realsing they have 2 eyes 2 ears etc and drawing themselves on paper they quite enjoy doing this, as for the other, we do things like chat to the children whilst hand washing we have a germ buster poster in the wash room and and it has the stages of hand washing and we chat whilst washing as to why we wash out hands, and about the germs going down the plug hole and not into our tummies etc., also we recently had the Lollipop Lady in as it was Road Safety Week talking to the children about How to Protect themselves and Keep themselves safe and we made Traffic Lights with Children depends on what angle you want to come from. Hope the above is of some help if think about anything else will let you know,
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