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Unread 06-22-2008, 09:28 PM
Posts: n/a

It always happens at once... but hopefully you will all come out the other side intact!!

As said, make an action plan for doing qualifications and training to show you are aware of need of setting,

You don't say how long you have worked with this age group, but may be worth investigating level 3 , if you are able to do it and if current supervisor would be willing to help you if needed in some areas. Must admit all my staff who have had children managed level 3 to begin with and they had little learning past 16 prior to that...

Once managed level 3 ..
thinking ahead, with your degree you could go further and become early years professional , which all settings will have to have eventually (2015). I know it may seem a long way off, but while funding is available .....

In our setting you only have to have a CRB, and passed interviews etc to be alone with a child... qualifications really don't come into it...not that we are often alone except when toileting.
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