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Unread 06-15-2008, 02:02 PM
Posts: n/a

we give parents a late payment fee of £25.00 but some refuse to pay but do make sure there furture payments are on time. so we sort of just waver the £25.00 and warn them they must ensure all payments are paid on time.
if parents are having trouble paying i always tell them THEY MUST PAY something every week then this stops the arrears building up
any parent who claims childcare help and when new parents start i tell them tax credits regularly contact us to ensure we are receiving payments and we are obliged by law to imform them of any missed payments as they are committing fraud. this seems to have worked.
if any parent is reciveing help with fee's through tax credits YOU SHOULD imform them if you are having trouble getting payments from the person. they dont tell you any imformation or the outcome be they do act on it.
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