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Unread 06-08-2008, 07:03 PM
Posts: n/a

Im answering the knowledge questions buy saying how i do it in my practice.

for exmaples today i have been writting about secuity arrnagmanets wen children arrvie and depasute from the setting. I have wrote about how my setting (childminding)deals with childre arriving and deapatuing from the setting. I allways try to wirte about how i deal with each situonaction etc as i think it shows the assers that i know how to deal with each sitnation etc.

we have been given a child protection prodject a child development prodject and a transtion assgemant to do on my cousre. We was jsut told to cover the pc's and knoweldge how ever we wont. i have coved quite a bit when my asser has obsaved me
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