Thread: Epileptic Fits
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Unread 05-15-2008, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Ruthierhyme View Post
Please don't answer this if you feel it's imposing, but I was wondering what sort of precautionary measures you've taken in the room to help in the event of a seizure ?

We have an emergency procedure plan in place that all staff are aware of.
We have a few around the room. e.g one on the inside of the door where we keep equipment. One in the back of the register and another one in the Safe which we purchased to make sure that we can lock the medication away safely.
Staff are aware of what their roles will be should the child have a fit during the session. So far we haven't witnesses one as so far they always seem to happen at home.
We haven't actually changed anything with n the room. Children that have uncontrolled epilepsy used to be provided with a safety helmet to wear. I don't know if this is still procedure but our child hasn't been provided with one.

Apart from that it's a case of being extra vigilant, the child does not have a one to one worker as the powers that be didn't feel it was necessary.

We are based in a Children's Centre with plenty of Health Visitors around, but earlier this year when one of our children had a febrile convulsion, there wasn't one to be found.
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