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Unread 05-11-2008, 07:04 PM
Posts: n/a

hi :) I am nearly done but my witness testimonies and reflective accounts helped me a lot! basically what I did was to join ALL from all units questions that where connected e.g. communication, risk assessment, I would put that on a piece of paper, and write about them, how does it work in my nursery and how do I do it, I have covered PC and knowledge questions with that.
Witness Testimonies are hard to get but are good source of evidence. My work colleague did few for me. My assessor told me what units and bits she wants me to cover with w. test. But if she did not tell you wait to the end and cover everything when You finish your assessments. I was really cross when I had witness testimony and my assessor covered it all again with A... I could have used that for something else... anyway I was giving my colleague the questions that I needed her to cover and she would right... Hija can plan activities for children bla bla... Hija was talking to a parent about the child day and said... bla bla... she had the questions so she knew what to write. I can only have 9 W test. so I had to use them wise.
hope that makes sense, excuse my English :)
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