Thread: New Build
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Unread 04-02-2008, 07:02 AM
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Default New Build

Hi all

well, news news news!!!

in our village we are having a lot of development and the developers have ot give so much money ot the village because oif thier!
well there is some avaialble for education!! and i am hoping that they are going to build me a purpose built building!
we are at present in the village hall, packing away and setting up each day which is a pain!

so....has anyone built or had a hand in building a preschool? and pointers gratefully recielved. i need to put something on paper as to what i want

(apparently - not just the inside stuff!!!!! which i is all i can think of at the moment - interactive white board, sofas, child sized kitchen, loos, need i go on!)
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