Thread: Sale Trail
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Unread 03-15-2008, 07:18 PM
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Default Sale Trail

A good fundraiser and a great way of getting people to be more invloved in fundraising for their school is a sale trail from house to house where people sell their unwanted items in their front or back garden.

It's similar to a car boot, but without the hassle of packing up a car and sitting in a field all day. It's a great way of the community bonnding too!

Like we do, you could ask the parents to donate a minimum of 30% to your school and keep 70%, and you may find they will give more than this.

Give them a sticker or poster for the fence or door so people know they're taking part. You will find some will do tea and coffee to and sell it, or even sell plants etc from their gardens.

Advertise it well in adavnce by posters and flyers, and in the local papers and magazines. People will travel to come to them, they're very popular around here. The children help too, putting posters up in advance to advertise it, as well as helping on the day.

My son loves to do it selling off toys or clothes he's grown out of! He's reallt proud he's rasiing money for his school, and so chuffed about the extra money he makes. I buy some items from to sell too, things like friendship bracelets, keyrings, bubbles and other things kids like. The rest I use in party bags for his and his sister's birthday parties, so I don't have to spend much or sit on the items for long.

Andersons sell in small quantity and were really good when I emailed to ask which were the best things to buy.

With summer coming up, it's a great way of raiding money easily without having to organise a fete or something similar if you don't have a large committee.

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