Thread: Book Corner
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Unread 02-15-2008, 08:27 PM
Posts: n/a

its the in thing to have a tent but we felt it restricted the light which has always been an important factor when looking at books.. turned out to be a good argument point as to why NOT to have a tent.. we were always told natural light and plenty of it for books!!

We actually have managed a good alternative, being in a hall, packing away etc not my idea but that of the staff...
they used a garden umbrella in a stand..(donated by a parent)
and have draped it with one of the hoops with net you put over a bed , a large double one (donated by another)
and it has been adorned with voiles and ribbons ( another donation)
to make a sort of tent like structure but it is so fine it does not obstruct the light and is very cosy with the cushions, book case etc inside it.

Hard to describe but it really works well, children enjoy sitting in the areas now and tend to sit in here to look at books , much quieter than before .. staff enjoy it too, just took a couple of times modeling correct behavior before the children got the idea.
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