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Unread 02-13-2008, 12:14 PM
Posts: n/a
Biggrin 305,307 p.c obs

hi angel,
hope this helps.
307.1 would it be possible for you to do a short p.e lesson with a small group of children? to cover pc 307.1 2 -appropriate clothing:p.e.kit, make sure you ask them to tuck in their t.shits, fasten shoelaces tightly and remove jewelry. pcs 307.1 6,7,8,9 do little warm up-jogging on the spot,star jumps, reaching up to the sky then touch our toes.ask the children to put their hands on their hearts can they feel how fast its beating. small obstacle course, jumping over and going under. introducing balls,dribbling and throwing into net. maybe you could do a simplified version for your age group, maybe throwing beanbags into a hoop. alot of pcs are covered by what you actually asy to the kids, encourage them to join in, praise every attempt, explain why they should go to the back of the queue each time they've had a turn. make sure your assessor hears everything you say. pc307.1 10 encourage children to challenge themselves "see if you can throw the beanbag into the furthest hoop".
307.3 get small group children in a circle, talk about why we do p.e, what exercises keep our hearts healthy and that we need to eat a healthy diet, there needs to be a balance.
307.2 snacktime-wash hands, child to wash table before putting out the snacks, let another child help wash the fruit and put it on the table, another child to put out the milk cartons and straws, another to put out water. sit with them and have a casual chat about what they are eating, eg apples give us vitamins, milk-calcium for strong bones, need water to survive, encourage them to put their own straws in the cartons " you have a go then i'll help" again its about what you say half the time! bring in seasonal fruits and expalin you've brought in something different to try. discuss what other fruits they might like to try, let the children plan the next snacktime, finally encourage cleaning at the end of snacktime. don't tidy up yourself let the kids do it. play a sorting game where you put healthy foods into the shopping trolley and bad foods into a bin.
phewweeeee!!! good luck, let me know how you get on. not done 305 yet.
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