Thread: Adhd?
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Unread 12-22-2007, 02:16 PM
Posts: n/a

Thank You Sarah, that is excellent information. My Sister had ADHD when she was small, then called hyperactivity, so I know how bad they can sometimes be, but I was young myself and we just battled a lot, I didn't really understand why she was so angry all the time. There wasn't any treatment when we were young for it and my sister actually seemed to enjoy getting told off by my Mam? If she didn't get her own way, she would break something or hit someone, usually me. It's a very strange illness and i'm so glad she grew out of it. I'm really looking forward to the challenge and wished i'd know about ADHD when I was younger, it would have stopped me fighting so much with her if I'd known she couldn't help herself.

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