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Unread 12-14-2007, 06:37 PM
janice janice is offline
Duckling ~~always taking the plunge ...~~
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 38
janice is on a distinguished road


Interesting comments re the sink. With Ofsted you know that they'll say one thing regarding bowls to one setting and then slate another off for using them.

Before I found the site linked above, I actually found one on ebay. I got it for £102 and it's the sort of thing they use in mobile catering vans. Anyway, it was in Guildford and my sister collected it for me this week and it's now in the garage awaiting cleaning and then I can try it out. It's an adult height one (but not too tall especially if the children use a step!) but at least I can get an idea of them.

I am having a huge meeting in the New Year with the Vicar and the woman who runs the Centre to try and sort out our differences. I have had the most amazing idea today ........... I am going to suggest that a small storage cupboard (used by us) is turned into an office (for the Pre-school) where I can work all morning as and when I need to, the stuff that we currently keep in that cupboard can be stored on the stage (we'll build some sort of tall cupboard to house it all) and then I can take everything out of this 3rd bedroom at my house (currently used as my office), get the Internet connected in the hall for the Pre-school laptop ........ and then I won't have to work from home anymore as I can do it all there (and get paid for it as well!).

Now doesn't that sound like a fab idea ????

I don't reckon they're going to buy it though in which case it's crunch time as far as me and running the Pre-school is concerned and I will look to leave at Easter (as I have to give a terms notice). I have thought long and hard about this - working from home 2 or 3 days a week isn't a solution (but one which I think they'll suggest) as you have to be on site otherwise you lose contact with the staff/children/parents and the way the Pre-school is running.

And I'll just keep quiet about the rent that we pay, as we seem to pay a lot less than others, though that might be a bargaining point - let me have that (the office) and we'll pay more rent (which they need).

Does anyone who is in rented premises e.g church halls have an office? Plus where are you storing all the records that have to go back 21 years/40 years etc.?

Sorry for the long post!
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