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Ruthierhyme 01-03-2009 03:20 PM

Book review: When I'm Big - Debi Gliori
Early years book reviews for Preschool, nursery and reception.

When I'm big - written and illustrated by Debi Gliori

This is a cute and imaginative book that helps look at how occassionaly it's nice to wish to be bigger .. be able to take control and always be the one to be one step ahead ..

It deals with compliance and independence with excellent illustrations full of imaginative scenrios, that could in themselves be mini stories.

The story begins with a boy who just isn't sleepy when bed time arrives and imagines what he'd do if he were bigger and in charge of what he did and when.

How he would stay up late toasting marshmallows on toast.

Instead of puddling in the bath he'd swim with whales deep in the blue sea, change his clothes from jumpers & dungarees to a bird suit and gumboots.. and when he has his very own garden, what mountains and lakes he'd have instead of sandpits & paddling pools.. triffids ! in place of sprouting mustard & cress, a real bike and growly, grizzly pets in place of dogs, cats and goldfish - and how good it would be to put Mum and Dad to bed at bedtime and be able to go back down stairs, alone ... for a little while maybe ..

For planning and evidencing provision if bound by eyfs, this title covers a very large range of areas that include: Independence, confidence, reassurance, assurance, imagination, acceptance, compliance, creativity, height, size, individuality, consideration, respect, family, mother, father, shopping - trolleys, roles, gender and age. Nature, habitat - mammals - Whales. Vehicles, safety - head wear + concepts of passengers, drivers, riders and heeby jeebies or Ooers !! - it looks at fear and the protection provided by a safe place .. and much more.

It opens as many learning opportunities to explore science and inventions, dressing up and culture, mirror play, jungle, pirates, food and times of the day ..

Activities to accompany the story:

Shadow drawing, making and puppets.
Big and small - using blocks sort into sizes, build towers and walls and use measuring tools - rulers, string, tapes .. to compare length. Use mathmatical terms / words, language of measurement.
For understanding and projection - chat about what the children would like to be able to do when they get bigger, who they know that does those things now and the type of equipment / items, activity involved ..

A great book for all year round access


Sometimes it's no fun being little - when bedtime comes and you're not sleepy. If you were big you could stay up late toasting marshmallows or ride a real motorbike, or wear whatever you like ... There are times though, when being little is a big advantage !
If you use the book in your group please post and let us know what you did and how it went ..


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