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Nickynoodles23 04-11-2007 11:18 AM

Risk assessment
Does anyone have a copy of thire risk assessment i could look at? Cheers Nic

Ruthierhyme 04-12-2007 11:12 AM

Argh .. I've hunted everywhere for mine & can't find it.
This is is a quick over view of what it looked like ..


Each table is a separate 'Area'
That was basically so that anyone doing a risk assesment or updating them could 'walk the entire course & mark things down more easily !

Some of the areas we had included ..

The Playroom
Storage Cupboard (was big !! :D)
The Kitchen
Corridors & Hallway
Outside area (inc) Car park & Playing Field

We usually did it in pairs .. 2 heads are always better :D with a yearly revision date.

Ooh and we included some pretty 'extreme risks .. lol .. just to show we were aware of them :wink:


Nickynoodles23 04-13-2007 07:34 AM

hi thanks, you would have one for outings would you? sorry i'm being cheeky now!!

Ruthierhyme 04-13-2007 04:07 PM

Not cheeky at all :D this is a scary one though !!

It's also not one we ever used whilst I was working, so it'll need tweaking for your own use depending how much information you think your group needs to collect.

tbh .. looking at this & how far we are supposed to go to cover ourselves it's no wonder outings don't happen very often & this version is probably missing bits :wide-eyed !!!!

I guess nominating someone who'd enjoy filling in & finding out everything is the ideal solution !!

Meant to add, for the annual risk assessment above, I think some assessments include what individual groups of people are at risk .. eg. Staff or the Children, Parents or everyone .. but I'm not sure if that's more for larger departmental companies or Preschools ??

Anyway, here's this one .. Outings Risk Assessment ~ Basic template
Marry up the details in there to what's in your Lost child/outings & other policies & procedures!

RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents ) have a good read for general considerations for outings/trips ~ RoSPA School trips

If anyone else has something different in their risk assessments or this should have something else in it .. Please post & let us know :cheerful:

Nickynoodles23 04-15-2007 06:46 PM

Thanks thats just what i was looking for. I'll be able to change bits to fit my setting. We dont ever take the kids off site, but as it's sure a big site we need to cross roads etc.. to get to some places. Thank you xx

ghindley 08-15-2008 01:06 PM

Gemma AES

Could any one help me please, i'm new to this site and are looking for any information on staff observation. we are in the process of carrying them out from january as part of our college aim. as we are not a nursery and work in different setting across the city we are unable to carry out staff supervisions on all our pool of childcare support workers.

any information would be a real help to me!!

Thank you

Jennie 10-06-2008 08:38 PM

if you look at blithfield website theres a risk assessment form on there

powell 10-07-2008 07:39 PM

we do learning diaries and do all obs on sticky labels then stick in learning diaries and write in next steps split diaries into pse ,cll,k and u ,cd and pd and put obs in right sections ofsted thought they were great put in photos as well

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