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traceybarnett74 03-18-2014 07:53 PM

NVQ3 TDA 3:21 Help Please
Hi all

Hope I can get some help from someone, not sure if I am being a bit thick but I am struggling to find information on the following:-

TDA 3:21 Support learners with cognition and learning.

1:1 Explain how cognitive difficulties impact upon the development of language and communication.

1:2 Explain the significant differences between global learning difficulties which affect all aspects of learning and specific learning difficulties or language impairment which can exist as an anomaly in the overall pattern of learners abilities.

Not sure if anyone can help me with this or point me in the direction where I can look.

Many Many thanks

Coffee 12-22-2016 08:03 AM

I was wondering if anyone could help me. I am stuck on these 2 questions tooTDA 3:21 Support learners with cognition and learning.

1:1 Explain how cognitive difficulties impact upon the development of language and communication.

1:2 Explain the significant differences between global learning difficulties which affect all aspects of learning and specific learning difficulties or language impairment which can exist as an anomaly in the overall pattern of learners abilities.

As my college textbook does have this unit to help. I ould most appreciate it if someone can give me some advice.


Hollie Joy 06-11-2020 06:51 PM

This seems to be a rare unit!

After much searching, nothing helpful comes up.

Ruthierhyme 06-12-2020 01:00 PM

Hi, a warm welcome to the site.

If it helps the older OCR unit is on this link TDA 3.21 Support learners with cognition and learning needs

The criteria coding has had a bit of a shake up in the new level 3 STL handbook -

Page 226 looks at the differences between global and specific learning difficulties and the impact of cognitive diffificulties have on the development of language and communication.

Page 225 looks at the cognitive skills necessary for effective learning - language & memory, sustained attention, logic & reasong, sequencing & organisational, an understanding of number, problem solving and concept development, fine & gross motor skills.

AC 3.2 Identify the significant differences between global and specific learning difficulties

Global learning difficulties
This term is used to describe difficulties in the area of social communication, as well as reading, writing and numeracy and the development of cognitive skills. Students may also need support in developing independence and life skills, and may have limited maturity when compared to thier peers.

Specific learning difficulties
This term is used to describe difficulties in a particular aspect of learning. For example, a pupil may have a learning difficulty such as dyslexia or dyscalculia, which only affects their reading/writing or number recognition, respectively. A specific learning difficulty will not affect other aspects of a pupil's cognitive skills but is likely to affect their emotional development if support is not given.

AC 3.3 Explain how cognitive difficulties impact upon the development of language and communication and how this might affect learning:

Depending on their nature and severity, cognitive difficulties are likely to impact in some way on the development of language and communication.
This is because a child will need to have a good developing memory in order to remember language and vocabulary, as well as having the processing skills needed for understanding and using receptive and expressive language and organising their thoughts. The process of learning is also dependant on language and the two skills support each other, so cognitive difficulties will make it harder for these pupils to develop their communication and language skills. (read more about speech, language & communication needs and how these might affect other areas of development on pages 187 & 80.)

Best wishes xx

Hollie Joy 06-12-2020 02:49 PM

Thank you for the information and the links.

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