Silkysteps early years forum - planning ideas for play

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Muggy 01-07-2007 06:44 PM

What do YOU do?!
I am talking about the mandatory 'training days' where we all have to attend work, without the children.
I just wondered what everyone else did on these valuable allotted training days.

I suppose I am looking for inspiration to make these days a bit more exciting for the staff (especially as the training days are quite often the first days of term when no-one wants to come back!)

(Our pre-school is only open on a morning, so its only half a day for us really)

:idea: :highfive:

jelleybabe 01-07-2007 09:34 PM

Hi, we have used our mentor teacher for some training days, she has done observation, planning, creativity and she is also going to do math's games after easter. We have used our link officer for birth to three, and our senco for managing behaviour training. We found this was worth while as these people knew us and the group.

Hope this helps.


cybertwin 01-07-2007 10:50 PM

when we have these i generally get some staff memebers who have been on courses to do quick 10 min chats, then we talk about the planning for the next term and have a general tidy up and sort out
we ar eonly open mornings to so tidying isnt for long
althoughwe have not had them this year as we have to open as much as possible for our eye grant, and all the staff are getting on training days for their hours this year.
also we count some of our staff meetings where cascading happens as half a days training

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