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Reedolski 01-02-2014 03:43 PM

Unit 024 Outcome 2.4 and 2.5
Hi i'm stuck on unit 24 outcome 2.4 and 2.5.

It reads:

Encouraging children and young people to actively participate in decisions effecting their lives and experiences is very important. Complete the chart below with examples of "opportunities", "decisions", "their views and feelings", are listened to or recorded e.g. transfer documents, targets, work experience.

It then has three age ranges 0-5 years, 5-11 years, 11-19 years.

I've hit a brick wall, i have a brain freeze.

Any help would be appreciated.

Many thanks.

Jo1988 01-02-2014 10:30 PM


Children and young people should be encouraged to participate in the services that they receive; they should be allowed to actively be in involved in the decisions that affect them and their lives. To do this we encourage activities and opportunities according to the ages and abilities of the children and young people and try to encourage each child to get involved and to have a go. Their participation is essential to improve services and respond to their needs. All children and young people are supported to participate, they should be listened to and things can be changed in response to their participation.
For children aged two we can provide a variety of resources although they will choose what they would like to play with as they are capable of making their own choices and decisions.
A good example for younger children under the age of two we could provide a variety of snacks e.g. cucumber, carrot sticks, apple, banana and cheese sticks. Ensure these are presented clearly on the plate for them so they can see the variety of choice and this will encourage them to try some of them and allow them to make their own decisions of what they prefer and dislike.
With older children we are giving them a voice and allowing them to express their needs and decisions verbally. We may ask questions to encourage them to verbally answer back what they would like to do. For example asking questions such as, what games do you want to play? Then they should verbally answer back what they want to play with or maybe they will walk off and get the game they prefer, quieter children may just point or nod and shake their heads in reply.
For younger children limited choice is better as too much choice may confuse them, with older children they can visualise more and decide which game they prefer to play with without getting out a dozen games.

Hope this helps.

Reedolski 01-05-2014 02:19 PM

Many thanks Jo1988, this information is a great help.

Thank you

Jo1988 01-05-2014 04:47 PM

No problem :) x

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