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suewhit 12-19-2006 10:22 PM

flu policy/procedure
Hi all
has anyone got a procedure for a flu pandemic? our authority sent us some info but havnt yet done one. not sure how to lay it out would love to see an example.

cybertwin 12-19-2006 11:12 PM

we dont have one of these, but am sure i will write one some time!!

something along the lines of

"if you have flu dont come in or send your kids in to me!!! (had enough of runny noses today and starting a cold now!)

Ruthierhyme 12-20-2006 12:16 AM

lol :D ...... or if you do have to send them in please ensure they are wearing greeny/yellow coloured tops with long sleeves ...

cybertwin 12-20-2006 07:37 AM

very good, very good

"please train all children to wipe own noses, much more important than feeding themselves!"

suewhit 12-20-2006 07:51 AM

ok I will ensure all those valid points are added to the policy. should I also include that parents should train their offspring not to sneeze and impart foreign bodies all over playgroup leaders?
on a serious note our authority envisage a severe bout of a dire flu that could possibly shut schools and settings and have asked us to have a procedure should they inform us to shut.

cybertwin 12-20-2006 08:41 AM

that is not good, our authority i feel is preparing for christmas, i think we are the only school and preschool open today and tomorrow.
the rest of hampshire broke up yesturday, but our school has decided to stay on until tomorrow (and we follow them!) but we dont go back until the 8th!!hehehe and most of them return on the 3rd.

jph 01-08-2007 07:46 PM

The following information might be of use:

New NHS leaflet for parents — Pandemic flu: important information for you and your family
The Department for Health has published a leaflet entitled Pandemic flu — Important information for you and your family. The leaflet is available in doctors' waiting rooms, supermarkets and online.

The DfES recommends that head teachers, in the next couple of months, should familiarise themselves with this leaflet. Parents of pupils might start asking questions which this leaflet will help answer. The leaflet can be ordered by telephoning 0870 555 455 or emailing It can also be viewed by following the UK Resilience link below.

The leaflet describes pandemic flu, the risk of its occurring in this country, how it differs from ordinary flu, and what the UK is doing to prepare for a possible pandemic.

The DfES will soon issue initial school-related guidance on pandemic flu for school employers, head teachers, local authority emergency planners, and parents. This guidance will appear on this site and the UK resilience site and the DfES will inform schools when it is available.

Information for businesses from the Cabinet Office about flu pandemic

The Cabinet Office has published a Pandemic Flu Checklist for Businesses to assist in developing and reviewing plans. It identifies important and specific activities which organisations can do to prepare for a pandemic. It will also appear on the Preparing for Emergencies website

Content added: 19 May 2006

suewhit 01-08-2007 09:28 PM

thanks for the info jph will take a look

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