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Miss Muffet 11-20-2006 02:23 PM

Overwintering Rabbits
I came across some tips that I thought might be useful to those of you who have bunnies - and guinea pigs. :cheerful:
As you will already know (wonderful animal lovers that you are) rabbits, and piggies, will quite happily live outside all winter, so long as you provide them with everything they require to remain warm and dry: :winter:

:bunny:Keep the hutch spotless - bunny/piggy doesn't want to be left sitting on damp, dirty bedding when it's cold outside. :sneeze:
:bunny:Treat bunny/piggy to a snuggle safe or rabbit bed which will keep him/her warm all night. :cloud9:
:bunny:Protect water bottles with a wrap-around bottle snug to stop the water freezing - remember to provide fresh water daily. :snowflake:
:bunny:Ensure there's lots of dry hay for warm bedding - again replace this every day. :zzz:
:bunny:Protect the hutch itself with a cover to keep out drafts and rain. You can also buy covers for runs now so bunny/piggy can still have access to the garden and exercise during the colder months. :umbrella:
:bunny:Alternatively relocate the hutch into a garden shed, or unused garage (not a greenhouse - it wil get freezing in there!), ensuring there is plenty of daylight and fresh air circulating. :thumbsup:

You could also consider bringing bunny/piggy indoors over winter.:idea: Provide an indoor cage, a litter tray (yes,:yes: bunnies/piggies can be litter-trained!:wide-eyed), and don't forget to rabbit/piggy-proof the rooms that bunny/piggy will have access to! Remember that this may be an alien environment to your pet, so let him/her get used to the new sights and smells gradually. Also, rabbits/piggies still need to eat fresh hay and drink fresh water even indoors, so be prepared for a little mess.:sarcastic But, bunnies/piggies love to spend time with their owners - imagine snuggling up with your pet in front of a roaring fire (not too close though!) watching a Christmas movie with a box of choc and a salad plate on your laps! Bliss!:D

This page has some more information on safe fruits and veggies, health, training, travelling and more. It is a charity site, and you can join if you wish ( I don't know about fees), there are some lovely photos and some good advice. :reading:

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