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Miss Muffet 03-06-2006 01:10 PM

Treasure Chest
:pirate:Pirates need somewhere to store all that treasure after a hard days pilfering at sea!! :boat:

You will need:
A shoebox and lid, a piece of card larger than the lid, paper mache if you have time, tape, glue, paint in gold and 2 shades of brown.

Tape one of the long sides of the lid of a shoebox to the main box. Tape onto the lid an arch of card cut to width to make the curved top. You can glue more card/stiff paper to fill in the sides if you wish and paper mache the whole thing. Just make sure the lid hinge will still move! Paint brown adding knots and grain etc if required. Paint 2 lozenge-shaped pieces of card gold and glue in place for locks.

Now you need treasure!:bell: :trumpet: :horseshoe :star:

Gold: Collect rocks and pebbles and paint gold, alternatively try and locate gold coloured tinfoil and wrap them.
Coins: Cut circles out of thick cardboard and carefully wrap in foil. To emboss them you could place small lengths of wool/string between the foil and cardboard.
Jewels: Clear boiled sweets, or cheap costume jewellery from jumble sales, car boot sales or charity shops. Or ask parents for contributions.:thumbsup:

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