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Ruthierhyme 11-07-2006 11:27 PM

Christmas Treasure basket
Has anyone made up one of these for Christmas .. would love to know what you included in it.

watgem 11-12-2006 11:02 PM

I'm thinking of putting dried oranges/lemons, voile bags of cinnamon sticks or sandpaper shapes rubbed with cinnamon, large bells, velvet, holographic foil wrapping paper something fluffy, pine cones all under very close supervision of course will add more when I do it

Ruthierhyme 11-12-2006 11:43 PM

Oh Love the bags of Cinnamon idea, excellent :D

watgem 11-13-2006 12:16 PM

christmas treasure baskets
Some smells definitely stir memories don't they? I'm also going to make some wooly pompoms in christmassy colours and maybe use sparkly yarn, thought about baubles too but will have to look into the safety aspect first, it would be nice to link into the nativity somehow.

Miss Muffet 11-13-2006 01:26 PM

Watgem, I'm just experimenting with different wools for pompoms, so gimme a couple of days and, hopefully, I'll have some photos of them posted! :thumbsup:

watgem 11-17-2006 09:05 PM

That sounds fab! Can't wait to see them!

Chloe 11-17-2006 09:47 PM

Treasure Baskets
I would love to do one for grandson aged 6 months and as this his is first Christmas what do you suggest?Never done one before so this a learning goal for me!! I have a nice treasure box ready so await your ideas! At the moment he puts everthing in his mouth!

watgem 11-22-2006 07:17 PM

christmas treasure baskets
Hi Chloe, theres a lovely book called The Little Book of Treasure Baskets published by Featherstone Educacation which is really helpful. Basically we were told on our B23 course don't put anything in that would cause you worry and obviously babies must be very closely supervised but perhaps you could include things like an orange, one of those silver scrubby pan washer things, a clean pine cone, a sponge, crinkly paper tied up in a clean colourful piece of fabric things that couldn't be choked on and things that you and your grandsons mum would be comfortable with. Hope that helps, it is quite nerve -racking at first but the babies and little ones do really enjoy them. They are also a cheap resource which can be easily thrown away and replaced.:dizzy:

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