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-   -   Describe potential conflicts or dilemmas that could arise in your setting between duty of care & individuals rights (

jessicaw 07-15-2012 04:15 PM

Describe potential conflicts or dilemmas that could arise in your setting between duty of care & individuals rights
:banghead: can somen help me please im struggling with

Describing potential conflicts or dilemmas that could arise in your setting between the duty of care and individuals rights and describe how you could overcome these and manage any risks.
Explaining where you would get any additional support or advice about conflicts and dilemmas.
:duh: :bawling:

charlotte1001 07-21-2012 06:55 PM

Basically this is:

the conflicts that involve - the children and parents rights go against our duty of care so they have the right to privacy but its our duty of care to safeguard. Any concerns we had about abuse would override their right to privacy because our duty of care is stronger (in this example) this has a dilemma of making parents feel we took our duty of care too far, intervenning etc. But although our duty of care overode their right to privacy, their right to privacy still exists so only those that must know should be told.

Another good example is risk taking and balancing risk, it is a childs right to have opportunity to play and experienc times of risk in order to learn about predicting danger but our duty of care is to keep them safe so there's conflict. The dilemma is if an accident happened a parent may feel we didnt protect the children. If we wrap children up in cotton wool and dont expose them to risks we are taking our duty of care too far but if we are exposing them to danger that is beyond their ability then we are not taking our duty of care far enough (its about the balance) so the conficts are like their right which conflicts with our duty of care, the dilemmas are how the parents may feel, overcoming these and managing the risks are things like; risk assessments, policies and procedures, training etc. and additional information is;
 Colleagues
 Senior members of staff
 Supervisor
 Manager
 Head Teacher
 SENCO rep (if it was a concern over a child’s development)
 Family
 Other professionals
 Policy and Procedures
 Online i.e. The internet
 The library
 Adult employment rights
 Ofsted
 Children’s services
 Early Years Extended Services
 Sure start centre’s

Hope this helps

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