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Vickyvegas 03-03-2012 05:55 PM

Can I defer my online Level 3?

Not sure anyone can help me with my question. Basically I started the Level 3 Diploma online in November 2011, at around the same time as doubling my workload as my husband became my assistant, I'm a childminder and I work daily from 7:30-18:00 averaging looking after 5 under 5's and my own 4 and 7 year old, it's very full on but we both love it.

Anyway I've been very ill once this year with a severe kidney infection which went undiagnosed as I had various other things going on at the time, chest infection etc which masked it. Obviously this put my coursework back a little, by about 1.5 weeks but I worked hard to catch up and did. Now however I've been ill since last Saturday and today had to visit an Urgent Care Centre and have a chest and throat infection, the GP I saw basically said something has to give in my life I'm overdoing it and not resting at all.

Obviously we cannot give up our work or even lessen it, it is our sole income into our family, the only thing that I can do is to defer studying until my health is completely Ok and perhaps things quieten down. Has anyone ever had to defer, how do I go about it, is there a fine? I'm actually in tears writing this because I'm not usually a quitter but my family need a healthy mum and it's been a bit scary of late how bad my health has been affected and no matter how I look at it the studying has taken over my life and I do get stressed out with it.

Hope someone can help with the defer question and sorry to ramble on.


tutu 03-03-2012 09:25 PM

depends who you are doing it with, if it is private company then i doubt it as the finishing date will be fixed but always worth an ask. likewise with a college one of my students dropped out and wanted to redo next sept but thy were told they had to re enrol and pay again. i think in the end they were given a voucher for 15% off. the thing is whoever you have done it with have already registered you which costs money and of course set you up for the course. sometimes you just have to take the hit and write it off at least its a business expense! ALWAYS worth arguing it though

Vickyvegas 03-04-2012 12:17 AM

I'm doing it through a college and it's funded, which I think will present a fine for me if I try and cancel it. It's such a dilemma to know what to do, I really want to carry on but I know somethings got to give to sort my health out.

tutu 03-04-2012 01:12 AM

oh thats tough, can you get your childminder advisor/funder to ring them for you explaining the situ and see if they care and give in? what a pain. on the other hand if you take a few weeks off you may feel better enough to go for it? don't sit and worry speak to them if students speak to use tutors we are nearly always able to help

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