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newprospects 04-26-2011 10:57 AM

i have read all of the posts regarding the rate and sequence but it still does not clarify my question.. i understand the difference between the rate and the sequence but i have to do a table for children's development 0-19 explaining their development and the rate and sequence.. if anybody has done this assignment can u please help
thank you. :thumbsup:

TJS9 04-26-2011 12:11 PM

I have completed this in CYPW Diploma level 3. It sounds the same as yours. I created a table with 'aspects of development' down one side (the five aspects) then along the top the ages and in each area a brief axplanation of the 'expected' development for the relevant age and aspect of development. For example: Cognitive for 6 months may be that they explore toys with their fingers and mouth. It took a very long time to complete as obviously 0-19 and five aspects of development is a lot of research!

Good luck I hope I haven't confused you further.

lyn c 04-26-2011 03:58 PM

I'll give you an example of how i done one development but i havent had it marked yet so not even sure if i have completed this right.

This was communication sequencing and rate
Age Explain the sequence and rate of development.

0 -12Months. They will cry to communicate their needs such as hungry, tired, nappy change.
Babies make a coo sound when they are happy.
They will smile at you if you smile at them.
They will lift their arms to be picked up.
They will squeal with delight at things that make them happy.
Babies will try to communicate via babbling sounds.
The babbling sounds become tuneful and last longer.

1 – 2 Years. Using more gestures to communicate e.g. pointing to objects that they
would like.
Babbling sounds become longer; in between the babbling sounds is the
beginning of their first words.
First words such as “Dada”
2 – 4 Years. Beginning to form recognisable words.
Temper tantrums due to frustration and lack of communication (terrible twos).
Toddler now putting two words together.
Speech is more clear.
Vocabulary of around about two hundred words.

4 – 7 Years. Clear fluent speech.
Children begin to ask questions.
Children enjoy speaking to adults/peers.

7 – 11 Years. They begin to tell jokes (often using gestures while communicating.)
Verbal arguments.

11 – 13 Years. Enjoys writing stories to show their imagination.
Persuading/negotiating between adults/peers/ friends.

13 – 19 Years. Uses telephones or mobiles to communicate.
The use of internet for communicating e.g. e-mail.

Then i repeated this for all the areas.
but like i say havent had it marked yet.
I put these in a table form with headings at the top, ages at the side and then the sequence and rate.

Hope it helps!

newprospects 04-27-2011 10:53 PM

thank you so much guys i went to college today and i saw all my colleague's different pieces of work... i'm going to with the easiest option and what my tutor also recommended which is put the age as sequence and the rate as what they can do.. thanks a bunchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

esmeralda 10-12-2012 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by TJS9 (Post 36948)
I have completed this in CYPW Diploma level 3. It sounds the same as yours. I created a table with 'aspects of development' down one side (the five aspects) then along the top the ages and in each area a brief axplanation of the 'expected' development for the relevant age and aspect of development. For example: Cognitive for 6 months may be that they explore toys with their fingers and mouth. It took a very long time to complete as obviously 0-19 and five aspects of development is a lot of research!

Good luck I hope I haven't confused you further.

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