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Jenna 02-15-2011 10:06 PM

Activity that promotes positive behaviour
My assessor is going to observe me doing an activity that promotes positive behaviour.

Any ideas what I could do for it? Got young kids in on that day. Only 2 and a half so need something simple! x

butterflies 02-16-2011 03:26 PM

OOh I will be interested to hear what activities people come up with, as for positive behaviour I usually act as a good role model, remembering my own Please and Thank You's. I try to be polite and I always try to say "well done", or "that was kind/helpful" or something similar always praising behaviour that I like to see.

I don't like stickers. Stickers are everywhere! They become meaningless if they are given out willy nilly, and the effects soon wear off.

As the children are young, you could do basic houserules with could have pictures of someone standing on the sofa and someone sitting nicely cuddled up reading a book - in comparison you could say that "We like to keep the furniture nice, so we sit nicely on the chairs" The children can stick on a poster the things that it is nice to do!

Picture of eating at table / compared to walking around with food in hand? There are cliparts at microsoft online (I saw one of a boy standing and holding chips)

Being nice / compared to fighting - again microsoft clipart search on the word argue and you'll get a few pictures up... one has 2 children not being nice to each other.

Another one might be on safety outside... Holding hands compared to running off.

Take in turns compared to snatching away?

You get the idea, and the children may come up with a few new rules themselves... depending on their languade development of course.

Yes it is a sticking exercise, but it covers what is positive behaviour

I am terrible at waffling and not getting my point across, I hope this was a bit helpful at least

Jenna 02-16-2011 04:07 PM

Hiya, thankyou for your response!
Im confuuused haha. I was thinking of doing pop up pirate game, they need to learn to take it in turns as they go round..
As they often try and snatch off one another when they play games. So i'll say that you need to remember to share.. surely thats promoting positive behaviour?!
The children coming on the day are not very talkative etc they are still very young..ahhh confused haha.
I thought it just meant that i need to correct them and make them aware when they are snatching or doing something not acceptable (which is an every day thing anyway), and to praise them when they are doing the right thing!?

Helllp hahaha xxxxxx

Jenna 02-16-2011 04:44 PM

I was also thinking I could make 3 boxes and hide something in each, like cotton wool in one, leaf in another and a ball in the next one. Each child will take it in turns to put their hand in and have a guess at what it is.
If they guess it right i praise them. If they dont know what it is i can explain wat is is??? Or is that stil not promoting positiv behaviour?

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