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Ruthierhyme 07-11-2006 10:52 PM

Saying 'Thankyou'
Do you have any problems with children saying Please and Thank You?

Sometimes I have to prompt mine .. and occassionaly have to ask for 'The Magic Word' .. :D but as a whole are pretty good!

Muggy 07-11-2006 10:56 PM

'please And Thankyou' Song
We normally sing this song at snacktime if they forget to say their pleases and thankyous! (Any other time, like you say Ruthierhyme, ask for the magic word!)

To the tune of Frere Jaques:

"Please and thankyou, please and thankyou,
We must say, we must say,
When we ask for something, when we ask for something,
Every day, every day!"

cybertwin 07-12-2006 07:05 AM

i think they are "forgetting " more and more. we have to prompt so many at snack time these days it is not good
it dosent seem to be"automatic" with any children and more

Miss Muffet 07-12-2006 12:00 PM

It's one thing I absolutely insist on with my 2,:yes: yes I do have to remind the eldest, but not very often (for now!!:sarcastic). I'm finding myself giving the (almost) 2 year old treats just to here "Peas, Mammeee" :D

joshie 07-13-2006 12:56 PM

i use 'the magic word' line to remind children of their manners, i encourage at all times but don't bombard them with 'you must use manners' etc, after all how many times do adults forget to use their manners? :)

Patsy 07-20-2006 09:18 PM

I had left my job and gone overseas.when i came back I took the 2 youngest charges out for the day.whilst driving round the narrow country Cumbrian roads,one asked me if Id buy them some ice cream,the other wanted some sweets.Age 3 and 5.I asked what the majic word was and the youngest who was only a year old when I left said abrica dabra silly nannie.Avoiding going up the bank and not crying with laughter,we got to the shops and two spoilt children later present,sweets and ice cream.They deserved it.what do they say about out of the mouths of babes etc.

Chloe 07-20-2006 09:44 PM

Well my charge on a thursday is the most polite child ever around!always says thank you and please,never leaves the table without asking.He is also the most gorgeous child around to look after!

Patsy 07-27-2006 11:27 PM

tut,tut miss Chloe.what about your grandchild????????Go to the bottom of the class.

Chloe 07-28-2006 11:08 AM

Patsy,he is the most gorgeous child :highfive: but as yet a little young for manners!:rotfl: :no:
Now in France,the rain pouring down but a glass of vino soons cheers me up!:dizzy: :wave:

Smartypants 10-23-2006 02:44 PM

:hissyfit: That really bugs me when the children don’t say "please & thank you"
When I get new children, they soon learn to say there pleases & thanks believe me lol :rotfl:
If they don’t It say" Can’t hear you" still can hear you..!! Then they soon click what im waiting for :thumbsup:
The children I have had for a while know when I just give them that look :wide-eyed lol...........
Manners have just gone out the window these days!!!

AND another thing that gets me is "WHY DO ALL CHILDREN SHOUT" when they talk .:irked: I say " Im standing next to you NOT IN THE GARDEN..!!!!
They soon get the hang of talking in a nice pleasant tone. lol



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