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Terri-Claire 08-26-2010 09:26 PM

conflicts between adults
Can i plz have some advice on this

thanx x

chelsey-lou 08-26-2010 09:43 PM

basically everyone working in a nursery setting will have conflicts with other staff members about others not sharing responsibilties or tasks- not pulling their weight, maybe cos they are higher up then urself e.g. room senior or higher qualified then you.

others may have different ways of doing things and they may feel that their way is the best way to do it etc.

ways of dealing with them is that if you feel that someone isnt pulling thier weight so to speak then instead of having a disagreement in front of children take them to one side and have a quiet word.

along those sort of lines..

If you need anymore help them I'm quite happy to help :)

Terri-Claire 08-27-2010 08:51 AM

thanks so much for the info.

I am new to the course i have not done my first *** yet but she is coming out to inspection of the setting H&S and what to do in an accident etc so she can sign me off my first one.

I am also doing an feeling activitey.


pinkbutterfly 08-27-2010 05:30 PM

Good luck on your first assesment.

Just remember to show her fire extingishers and how you know theyve been checked.-the sticker on the back should be signed and dated.

What to do if the fire alarm goes. Where you fire assembly points are. And tell her what you would do, do you reasurre the children? stay at the back to make sure there are no strays? Close the doors when leaving the room.

If you see anything that could cause a hazard stop her from going any further and remove the object. If you see any children running in corridoor stop them.

How is your setting safe for children? Do you have pin codes to get in. Do you have safety glass in plass? Do you have those door strips to stop fingers getting caught in. Can the children get out of the setting or are the gates locked between certain times?

If your working with the younger children how are they let out to the right parent? Does the class teacher stand at the door and call the children?

Tell her what you do incase a child has an accident- take the child to first aider, fill in accident form (show her one) and show her your first aid kit.

Im sure you will be fine.

Terri-Claire 08-27-2010 07:13 PM

thanks so much for all the info, that has helped me so much i never throught about half of them.

I was unsure what i as n not aloud to do in the school. I don't no my limits it hard when your learning urself x

pinkbutterfly 08-28-2010 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Terri-Claire (Post 31931)
thanks so much for all the info, that has helped me so much i never throught about half of them.

I was unsure what i as n not aloud to do in the school. I don't no my limits it hard when your learning urself x

Your welcome for the info. Makes it easier when someone points you in the right direction.:cheerful:

What do you mean your unsure what your able to do within your setting. Do you mean with activities? Ask your assesor if your unsure or even the class teacher or head teacher, im sure all of those will help you. :highfive:

Terri-Claire 08-31-2010 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by pinkbutterfly (Post 31936)
Your welcome for the info. Makes it easier when someone points you in the right direction.:cheerful:

What do you mean your unsure what your able to do within your setting. Do you mean with activities? Ask your assesor if your unsure or even the class teacher or head teacher, im sure all of those will help you. :highfive:

Yes i am unsure what im alowed to do in the setting. I would like them to give me like a daily planner sort of thing so i no what i am supose to do.

I just sit on the chair n do nothing or walk round the playground to make sure kids are safe. There is only person in there she is an LSA i asked her if i can help and she says no im fine thanks. Its like she doesn't want me to stand on ur toes but i am there to learn.

Its hard sometimes cos i somtimes feel what is the point in me been there i feel like just a spare part i just stand or sit down. Its gnna be a new year and a new class im looking forward to it.

Since i was at school i always wanted to be an teacher and work with kids and still want to do it. Im trying so hard. I am also doing a maths n english course at college (night) that starts nxt week.


Ruthierhyme 08-31-2010 11:25 AM

Terri-claire many many congratulations on the night classes I hope you enjoy them.

Always explain your situation to your assessor when she visits so that she knows your working situation. The limits, or not being allowed to do things you've experienced are unfair. The nvq will expect you to take part and organise activities for the children.

If possible can you try to make your own planner of a week, or two maybe to cover as much as possible - not so much what actually happens during a session, but more to see routines - when registration happens, what parents do when bringing their children in, any assemble times your class attends, numeracy, literacy, gym, free flow play, lunch & break.. this will all help you get a good idea of the way your setting/school lays out its days and will enable you to plan ahead for things.

I hope this has helped, please always feel free to post here and very best wishes again with your courses xx

Terri-Claire 09-01-2010 07:14 PM

thank you so very much for all the infomation and support you have given me. I have never done any level 1/2 they put me straight onto level 3. I don't no how to do an planner. Do you no weither they are alowed to give a copy of the weekly/classroom planner or not? just i have found out today that there is gnna be a teacher n a lsa and then there is gnna be me with a class of 30 kids. I want to be part of the class and i want to feel wanted, i am traning and i want all the support from them so i can pass this course and i can get an LSA job im so excited.

Sry for all the questions. Im new to all this x

pinkbutterfly 09-01-2010 08:01 PM

I would have though that you are allowed to have a copy of the teachers planner. It can be very daunting starting a new class and not stepping on anybodies toes. I start back to work tomorrow and i have lots of new things to learn. Just remember if your unsure on anything just ask them, as your there to learn.

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