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TeamofThree 10-01-2017 05:27 PM

Unit 9 task 14 and 15
I am having trouble writing the observation bits for these 2 tasks, I have submitted them, but had the following response, which I am struggling to see what I need to do, have tried a couple of people at school, but no joy there.

this is the response, which I thought I had covered

Apologies, I still can't see where you gave detailed feedback the children for the bullet points, this does need to be a reflection of what you said to the children how did you give feedback, how well were they doing what was their response?

unit 14
Learning Outcome Support learners to:
a)reflect on their learning
b)identify the progress they have made
c)identify their emerging learning needs
d)identify the strengths and weaknesses of their learning strategies and plan how to improve them.
Assessment Criteria 14
Description of Activity Undertaken and results/outcome

Last week the class had a class mental maths test to see what their ability is for their age/year group.
Once I had marked them they were returned to the class.
I explained to the class that their tests had been marked and that I had indicated on them any answers that needing correcting in green pen, they were informed that they would be give an opportunity to reflect on how they had got on and to look at the progress they had made since the last time that they completed the test by comparing scores between this test and the previous one.
Some of the class were very excited to see that they had improved on their previous scores, where others were disappointed if they had not improved at all or not as much as they had hoped.
They were able to see which areas they were strongest in and assess if there are any areas that they need to work on more. Once they had assessed for themselves which areas they had weaknesses in I was able to support several of the children assessing their learning techniques and strategies that could be used to help improve their techniques.
Following discussions with some of the children in the class W decided to spend his morning activity time writing out his tables on a white board, where C said that she preferred to say them out loud so is spending more time on it at home and is therefore concentrating on spellings during the morning activity. Several members of the class have chosen to spend more time playing “Hit the Button” to increase their speed at answering the questions.
These new techniques have already had an impact on some of the class with them improving their speed and accuracy for their daily mental maths tests. Although W is still struggling to complete the entire test in the time, he is now finding that those he does answer are all usually correct.

Discussion points with supervisor
Continue with daily mental maths tests.

unit 15

Learning Outcome Provide feedback to the teacher on:
a)learner participation and progress in the learning activities
b)learners’ engagement in and response to assessment for learning
c)learners’ progress in taking responsibility for their own learning
Assessment Criteria 15
Description of Activity Undertaken and results/outcome

Following my weekly sessions with a small group on speech and language I feedback to the teacher.

V was her usual chatty self, she needed reminding about differentiating between her “CH” and “SH” sounds, which sometimes can make it difficult for others to understand some of the things that she is saying. After practising a few times she did improve, the word from the pack that she is having particular problems with is “CHOP”
B was happy to join the group as usual and worked really hard on concentrating on all his sounds, “S”, “SH, “CH”, he is also very good at “marking” himself at the end of the session and gives a very accurate account of how he feels he has got on, as requested by his Speech and Language Support Worker
J has improved a lot, for the first time he was joining in with the session from the very beginning. I have built up to this by encouraging J to “run” the group (he is in the session to encourage him to talk, unlike the others who are working on sounds) today he was able to tell V and B who he wanted to go first, and was then able to ask them relevant questions about the pictures they were looking at, even starting to have a conversation with them about it.
Discussion points with supervisor
The class teacher agreed that V and B were doing very well and should continue as we have been. Supporting them to concentrate on their sounds using the picture cards that we have been using.
The class teacher informed me that J needs some “booster” work in other subjects which has not been appropriate as it has been difficult to get him to talk, she has now decided that he is ready to have support in some of these other subjects, coming back for an occasional session with me to support his general communication.

Further Action(if required)
Look at the timetable to see how best to accommodate J’s booster sessions and continue to give speech and language support
Continue with regularly 6 weekly feedback to class teacher, which can be used to update the individuals support plans, for planning and implementing activities related to the pupil’s targets. Following each review support plans can be adapted to allow for new targets when a previous target has been achieved, or provide extra provision if required.

Ruthierhyme 10-01-2017 07:50 PM

Hi a very warm welcome to the site xx

If you read back through there isn't any mention of anything that the children actually say to you or to each other either as verbal language or body language.

Unit 14
Why do you say they were very excited to see they had improved? and why do you say others were disappointed? What reactions and language were used to make you come to this conclusion?

How did they assess the areas for themselves? In contrast to what probably happened, were the children at the back of the room and you stood up at the front. Did you scowl or smile at them, did they shout 'We hate doing this' at you?


Unit 15
What does B actually say when he 'gives a very accurate account of how he feels he has got on' and what words did you use in response to his feedback/account?

It's lovely to read how J is leading the activity. Why is it difficult to get him to talk? Did you ask him if he enjoyed the session? Did you both talk about what would happen next time, did you ask him any questions, did he have any ideas?

Hoping this helps a little, best wishes xx

TeamofThree 10-30-2017 08:01 PM

does this sound any better

Description of Activity Undertaken and results/outcome
Last week the class had a class mental maths test to see what their ability is for their age/year group.
Once I had marked I returned them to the class explaining that I had indicated on them any answers that needed correcting in green pen, they were informed that they would be given an opportunity to reflect on how they had got on and to look at the progress they had made since the last time that they completed the test by comparing scores between this test and the previous one. Some were obviously excited by this, where others went quiet showing they were nervous about whether they would have made any improvements.
It was easy to see that there were mixed opinions about their improvements, many of the class were chatting loudly, telling their friends how well they had done, some were disappointed as they had not improved as much as expected.
M was extremely disappointed, when I spoke to her about it, her score hadn’t improved at all, she was extremely upset by this. When I looked through both this test and her previous one with her we were able to see that although she had the same score there were different questions that she had got correct, and that she hadn’t actually completed the test. I asked her how she felt about this and she said that she was disappointed, but she also mentioned that she knows she could work faster and that sometimes she finds herself looking around the room and not actually concentrating on the test. This is something that myself and the teacher have noticed in the past, I explained how proud I was that she had become aware of this for herself. We discussed what she needed to do to improve her score. She remembered that we have often talked about using things like “Hit the Button” to test themselves at home and she has never tried this.
The next day she was quick to tell me that she had been home and tried out the “Hit the Button” website, by the following week she was excited to tell me each day how her score had improved on it. She said she was also getting better at playing it whilst other people around the house were chatting etc, which showed in her next test. Although M is still not quite completing the entire test in the allotted time, those she does answer are all usually correct.

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