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Hayleytheapprentice 07-29-2017 11:16 AM

EYE 3.4WB 2.3 Explain how the early years practitioner provides for group learning socialisation
I have done this i just have to explain what group learning and socialisation is! I need help how to word it it would be great thanks!

nisha22 08-13-2019 04:26 PM

have you managed to find the related answer please share if you have
hi have you managed to find the related answer regarding group learning , please share if you have thanks

nisha22 08-13-2019 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Hayleytheapprentice (Post 63444)
I have done this i just have to explain what group learning and socialisation is! I need help how to word it it would be great thanks!

hi there i have been struggling with this as well please share if you have the answer thanks

Ruthierhyme 08-13-2019 06:04 PM

Hi, page 203 of the Work based EYE handbook states

Understand how the early years practitioner supports children's behaviour and socialisation within play environments

Have you ever seen a two year old snatch a toy that another child is holding? This is quite common behaviour for a two year olds and is linked to their stage of development. In this section, we look at the role of the early years practitioner in supporting children's socialisation and stategies that they use to help children manage their own behaviour. We also look at how the early years practitioner provides for groups learning and socialisation.

Page 205 AC 2.3: Providing for group learning

Most early years settings start to plan some play opportunities for children in small groups from around three or four years. This is because, before this age, children's stage of development means that they find it hard to concentrate and engage. For group learning to be effective early years practitioners have to ensure that the play opportunities are active and also suitable for children's stage of development. They type of group learning opportunities on offer usually include board games, stpory times and rhymes, as well as specifi adult-led activities eg. planting bulbs, cooking, going on an outing or taking part in role play.

AC 2.4 How early years pratitioners provides socialisation
Early years settings also support children's socialisation. This has to be done according to children's age and stage of development and is done mostly through providing play opportunities. Whilst at first very young children do not play cooperatively, they do tend to enjoy playing in parallel (alongside others but not in a way that interacts with them) and so some of the earliest opportunities involve children playing with the same materials, such as a tray of gloop or a paddling pool. As children become older, early years practitioners continue to provide play opportunities that allow children to gather around and play together but they will increasingly expect that children will take turns and play more cooperatively. In addition, from around three years, most children start to enjoy role play. Early years practitioners can use this as an opportunity for socialisation by providing a wide range of role-play opportunities.

Hope this helps xx

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