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Miss Muffet 10-21-2006 05:19 PM

Bird Cake
Here's a recipe for a fatty bird cake for feeding our feathered friends over the coming winter months:yummy: (Sorry:sorry: - it's not actually a cake made of birds like it sounds!!:D)

A selection of nuts ie:
Sunflower seeds; Pine nuts; Almonds; Peanuts - crushed into small pieces so the birds don't choke!
Block of dripping/lard

Mix up the seeds and nuts in foil trays/yogurt pots/etc. Melt the fat in a saucepan and pour over the seeds to bind together. Place in the fridge to set then pop outside and watch the birdies come a-flocking! :flamingo: :chicken: :kiwibird: :parrot: :turkey: :stork-bab

If you make more than one tray, it keeps quite nicely in the fridge for a few weeks. :cheerful:

You can try moulding it into shapes to hang from trees/washing lines too: :thumbsup: Let the mixture set until it is gooey and maleable - but not hot! Have some loops of string cut ready (to hang them with!), scoop out the mixture and either mould into balls (adding string) with hands or press into cookie cutters to make fun shapes! :D

Remember to leave fresh water out, birds still need to drink. :yes: Also, cheese, bread, fruit, and cooked vegetables will be very welcome, but clean up regularly so you do not attract rats!:wide-eyed Use any seeds or nuts you have, but don't use salted nuts and avoid adding dessicated coconut as it swells in the birds stomachs!:no:

Chelltune 10-21-2006 11:07 PM

I don't leave bird food out now (except hanging nuts) as there was a rat in our back garden last year. DS told me to look at the mouse, I thought he meant on TV. He said, 'no, in the garden'. I looked out and there was a rat frolicking quite happily up and down the garden.

I have also seen one in my parents garden. Apparently decking is a great environment for rats to live under. We have a large deck. I am worried about putting food out incase it attracts them.

Ruthierhyme 10-22-2006 12:11 PM

It's a scary fact that we all live so close to rats .. had a chat recently about how certain councils are charging, even Older residents for the trapping/baiting & subsequent removal of rats .. I'm pretty certain it used to be a free service !

Ruthierhyme 10-22-2006 12:13 PM

We have Peanuts, bread & other bird food out as love seeing them around .. have to watch out for the squirrels in some places though :D lol

Miss Muffet 10-22-2006 03:42 PM

It's perfectly fine to put food out for the birds - just clear it away each night and make sure the feeding area is cleaned and you shouldn't get a rat problem. :thumbsup:

joshie 10-22-2006 04:49 PM

i put out nuts in the birdfeeders, i like doing it, esp at this time of yr - feel sorry for them cos they cant go t tescos and buy themselves a bag of nuts of brid seed!:wide-eyed :bubble:

Ruthierhyme 10-22-2006 07:02 PM

LoL :D

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