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donna534 06-11-2012 12:09 AM

CYP 3.3 safeguarding legislation?
I have done all my units and stuck on one whole unit to complete. Its all about safeguarding CYP 3.3 :banghead::banghead:
I keep picking it up, looking at the units, trying to come up with answer's, but im just not getting it :hissyfit: I've spoken to my tutor and she said look at every question as safeguarding, but i am still none of the wiser. Has anyone done this whole unit?? I really need help :duh:

Thank you so so much. :With love:

shellyjoe 06-11-2012 08:18 AM

Yes I have it very indepth & will need research. However of u r stuck on a particular question feel free to ask and I wo try to help

donna534 06-11-2012 09:23 AM

Thank you so much Shellyjoe,

My first Task 1 LO 1.1

Outline current legislation,guidelines,policies and procedures within own UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people.
Current Legislation research: Identify how the following research supports safeguarding in Early Years.

a) Children's Act 2004.
b) Children's Act 2006.
c) Lord Laming.

I understand that i have to research the above acts, but i really do not understand what i am meant to be writing :banghead:

tutu 06-11-2012 09:51 AM

what does the law/report/policy say and how does it effect what you do daily to safeguard childen.

donna534 06-11-2012 10:03 AM

i have taken bits from the website, this is what i have written so far, i am hoping i am on the right track:
a) Children's Act 2004.
The Children’s Act 2004 provides the legal basis for how social services and other agencies deal with issues relating to children. These guidelines have been laid down so that all individuals who are involved in the looking after children, be it in the home, the work place, school or other locale are aware of how children should be looked after in the eyes of the law.
The Children’s Act 2004 was designed with guiding principles in mind for the care and support of children.
These are:
To allow children to be healthy
Allowing children to remain safe in their environments
Helping children to enjoy life
Assist children in their quest to succeed
Help make a contribution – a positive contribution – to the lives of children
Help achieve economic stability for our children’s futures
The Children Act 2004 provides the legal underpinning to 'Every Child Matters: Change for Children' (2004). In response to the Children's Act 2004 there have been some structural changes. From April 2006, education and social care services for children in each local authority have been brought together under a director of children's services.
In which today, we carry out these requirements in out setting.

b) Childcare Act 2006.
The Childcare Act, which regulates childcare in England, passed into law on 11 July 2006. This legislation replaced Part 10A of the Children Act 1989.
Measures in the act formalise the important strategic role local authorities play, through a set of duties. These duties require authorities to
. work with their NHS and Job-centre Plus partners to improve the outcomes of all children up to five years of age and reduce inequalities between them
. secure sufficient childcare for working parents
. provide a parental information service
. provide information, advice and training for childcare providers.
The act also lays out registration and inspection arrangements, providing for an integrated education and care framework for the Early Years and general childcare registers. The sufficiency, information and outcomes duties came into effect on 1 April 2008 and the remaining provisions came into effect from September 2008.
Again all these are carried out in my setting, we follow the EYFS framework and the school has regular checks and visits from OFSTED.

c) Lord Laming report.
It was Lord Laming who made the request to have the law changed after the death of Victoria Climbie, He recommend that social services and other paraprofessional's were to get the correct training and seek advice to allow them to fulfil their job in a correct manner. The children need protecting and the law was changed in 2004.

tutu 06-11-2012 10:40 AM

good start but you haven't done the second bit

Identify how the following research supports safeguarding in Early Years.

you need to demonstrate how YOU the practitioner implement these laws.

laming said so much more. how did the report effect our work our job

shellyjoe 06-11-2012 11:55 AM

Laming's report contributed to the every child matters green paper that set out proposals leading to the establishment of the Local safeguarding childrens board.

Also look up education act 2002, UN convention on the rights of the child, working together to safeguard children 2010, safeguarding children and safet recruitment in education 2007, CAF

shellyjoe 06-11-2012 12:26 PM

donna534 06-11-2012 01:53 PM

http: Page 12-16

This is another link that i have to put up
the question i have to answer is, following on from the above A, B, C,
D) what to do if you are concerned child is abused-flow chart.

In my line of work i would report my finding to the class- teacher.
Just not sure what i am meant to do with this one. Its the same for
F) Devon Safeguarding Children Board.

My head is like cotton, this is the only unit i have struggles with

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