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busybee 07-18-2007 03:39 PM

poems for teachers
Just wondered if anyone knew any short thank you poems that my daughter could write and give to her teachers as she leaves preschool, many sites iv looked at for inspiration the poems are too long or do many long words for a four year old, after something short and sweet. Also what do u buy, there is a main leader but several other members of staff, dont want too much expense.

sarahnev707 07-18-2007 05:49 PM

This is a nice one i got when i was teaching

Dear Miss

I look forward to your class
When I come to school.
You're a brill teacher;
And I think you're cool

Teachers get loads of candles, chocolates and smellies at the end of the year - what i'd have liked was a voucher for a book or M&S; a bottle of wine; some thank you paper for writing all the thank you letters for the candles, chocs and smellies!!

Sarahx :smile:

Miss Muffet 07-19-2007 12:00 PM

Just made this one up ..

Thank you teacher
For your time,
To make the knowledge
Truly mine.
The things I've learned
were so much fun,
And I think you're
Number 1.

busybee 07-19-2007 12:46 PM

just made one up too. What do u think?

To all my teachers, for all that youve done,
Taught me and played with me so much fun.
But i wanted you to know.
How youve helped me grow.
All the things iv achieved,
More than i can ever believe.
So this is a note to you all, to say,
Thankyou, teachers on my very last day.
Now im going to big school,
Im sure it will be very cool.
But as its only next door,
Im sure il see you more and more.
So bye and thankyou from Emily,
For all the things youve done for me.

It was hard to find a poem so it covered all staff not just one teacher as there are several members of staff at daughters preschool so i just made this up, also instead of buying presents i thought i would try and make a cake and decorate it with all the staff names on it then everyone will be mentioned, please everyone!

noah 07-19-2007 01:11 PM

we always appreciate the parents who do something which is personal and different, as you say something they make themselves or that the children have done with them, or our parents have a tendency to get together and buy something. Last year 7 parents decided to get together and each bought a bunch of flowers for a member of staff. Much better than the chocolates we all get so sick of (especially as I don't really like chocolate!).

busybee 07-19-2007 01:43 PM

Well i have bought individual presents but i find it too much like hard work trying to find somehting suitable, last year i bought them all chocolates but was annoyed when i discovered they had been giving them out to the children for good behavior and decided i would not do that again! christmas i got them all a hardback notebook and pen set which i thought was nice, although i didnt get one for a girl who only helps out 1 day a week and that did not go down well with her, so i heard, nor did a get one single thankyou, so makes me reluctant to do it at all. I used to work twice a week their and i never got any gifts and didnt expect it either as not main staff, But sure i would say thankyou even if i didnt like the gift, as its thought that counts, and makes you feel appreciated.

noah 07-19-2007 03:09 PM

I must be a minority then,
None of us expect anything and if one person does not get something accept it is the parents and childs right to choose, often they only give to keyworkers which is more than acceptable.
I always send a thank you note to the child and parents for gifts given to us at the end of year, it is signed by all staff who receive a gift form a particular child.we note down each gift and make it personal to each child.
This is posted to them after the end of term, so they get it during the holidays.

At Christmas if we get gifts we thank them in person and I add note to newsletter or a thank you in the signing in book.

Think its an age thing!! Always wrote thank you letters as a child to relatives for presents.

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