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Ruthierhyme 08-11-2011 05:39 PM

Story books to support children's resilience and well-being
Many books have an element of disapointment, sadness, a moment of change, injury or realisation that highlights where resilience can develop from. For older children it may be embarressment, possibly fear of losing respect, an unexpected event that shocks them or an expected event that raisies their concern or that involves the unfamiliar.

About resilience on

Firsts are a nice way to approach and support children's resilience, showing how others understand and empathise with what they're experiencing. eg. first day at school, preschool, at a new childminders, over night stay with grandparents, visit to the dentist, doctor, paying for an item in a shop, posting a letter, taking a bus ticket from the automated machine, tieing a shoe lace, whistling ..

Types of transitions

These are a few story titles that help to support and promote children's well-being, resillience and their self esteem ..

Pudge's Play
Pudge puts on a play with the full support of his friends until later when they understand that the play will be performed in front of others. As they each choose to decline taking part Pudge continues to the end. It's a great sucess and not too scary, a repeat performance is arranged with everyone electing to take part .. outcome is that Pudge's confidence supports the self-esteem and resilience of his peers so that they are able to observe what's involved and make an informed decision regarding their own participation.

Betty and the Yeti by Ella Burfoot
This is a excellent book covering many aspects of self confidence and resillience. Betty finds herself in a position to support Yeti, his self-esteem and resillience against shyness and fear of judgement and being bullied. Through resilience she also overcomes her fear of who the line of discarded clothing belongs to..

Flora's flower
When expectations are high, disappointment can be devastating. Flora the rabbit plants her stone brick alongside her sibling's seeds and bulbs. When her pot doesn't perform the way she thought it would doubt and defensiveness becomes her resilience. Eventually the pot and brick surprises everyone and Flora is reassured by her original reasoning!

What's that noise by Francesca Simon and David Melling
A first ever sleep over at Granpa and Grandma's house sees Harry noticing each and every different and unfamiliar sound. This title aims to reassure and comfort readers that first time experiences needn't be too frightening.

Hugless Douglas by David Melling
is a wonderful story that follows Douglas on his journey to track down something or someone that will give back the size of hug he's missing ..
Excellent to look at how resillience and well-being can be supported with and through caring physical contact.

ABC Doctor by USA Author Liz Murphy
Amazing book that informs and dispels possible fears surrounding medical equipment, visits and events. Supports resilience through knowledge.
The only USA - UK language consideration is where the book's use of the word 'shot conflicts with a need to use injection or innoculation.


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