Silkysteps early years forum - planning ideas for play

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Kylie 06-02-2006 08:40 PM

Pirate Talk
I loved the pirate topic just as much as the children did :D

We made a boat using an old water tray and cardboard, blue crepe paper for the water, skull and crossbones flag, telescopes made out of cardboard tubes, pirate hats, patches etc.Then used role play to initate a writing activity for the children. Our boat sank and we had to swim to an "island" where we wrote messages in bottle (on prepared teastained paper). The children really enjoyed it especially throwing their messages back into the water.

We also had a treasure hunt with clues I had prepared. A real sight seeing my class tearing around the playground in pirate outfits saying "AHHHHHH" and various other pirate words. Here is a list of some of the pirate words we talked about and used. On occassion I still get "ahoy cap'n" when I do the register. LOL
Fair winds
Jolly roger
Me hearties
poop deck
Shiver me timbers!
Swab the deck
Weigh anchor

Can't wait to do this topic again. Thanks Miss Muffet for some great ideas I hadn't thought of!

Miss Muffet 06-02-2006 11:02 PM

No problem Kylie, I love Pirates :pirate: - it's just a shame my kids don't share my enthusiam!! Sigh!:weepy: I'll have to think up some more crafty bits......:cheerful:

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