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newprospects 04-22-2011 05:22 PM

How can disability impact and affect development?
i am stuck with this question i have written a paragraph for this but im pretty sure it's not enough can anybody help me to expand. :fryingpan:fryingpan:fryingpan

Disability, fifty years ago or more was frowned upon but in this modern day and age. There has been a broader acceptance into incorporating disabled children and young people into care and education. Even though practitioners should to their upmost efforts to include disabled children and young people in normal activities and so forth. There ar practitioners who sometimes have low expectations because they may have specific learning needs, this will rub off on the child. This will lead to lack of motivation in participating and achieving. This will affect their cognitive development because they will not pay attention. They will have little sense of self worth and feel rejected as they feel they are being segregated from the group; this will cause the social and emotional development to delay as they are not socialising with their peers and their emotions will take a knock too.

wendy bob 04-22-2011 06:24 PM

you need to look at types of disabilities and the impact the disability could have on a childs development. x

natasha 12-29-2011 10:28 PM

you need to consider the support they may need - do they have it? if not how does that affect them... things such as equipment that can offer the child the chance to be more independant for example a child who is in a wheelchair and cannot walk if he has a stair chair or ramps he will be able to get himself upstairs or if he has a bed hoist could get himself out of bed... this gives them their independance back in areas allow them to develop more confidence and motivation etc...

How ever tried to research but how does sickle cell affect a childs development?

Handbook has more info

spelky~brooks 12-30-2011 08:01 PM

You could also use this a framework..hope it helps!

Explain how disability may affect development.

Children with a learning or physical disability may be subjected to prejudice or discrimination at school for the reason that they could be treated differently than the rest of the children. They may be bullied or ridiculed by other students which will affect their self-confidence and in turn affect their learning capabilities and development. Disabilities are categorised in different forms i.e. learning or physical. Learning disabilities which affect development could be.

Autism; autism is a developmental disability which affects how a person relates and communicates with other people and the world around them. A child/young person with autism finds it difficult to understand facial expressions or the tone of a voice. They can feel lonely and cut off from society as they avoid social interaction. This could affect their ability to development or interact in social settings or in the classroom.

Dyslexia; is a difficulty in learning to read. A child/young person suffering from this may become frustrated and problems could arise at home or in school, behavioural problems could also be seen, as well as the child becoming unmotivated or developing a dislike for school. If dyslexia is undetected then this will affect their development at school and could spoil any chance of achievement.

Physical disabilities could include.
Cerebral palsy; cerebral palsy is a condition which affects the movement, posture and co-ordination of a person. A child/young person with this disability may only be affected physically with this disability while others could be affected by seizures, epilepsy or difficulties with speech and language.

The social model of disability.

In the 1970’s and 1980’s a civil rights based approach was developed by disabled people. They rejected the fact that the problem lay with the individual disabled person but with society itself and the way it was run and organised:

• Buildings were built in such a way that there was no access for wheelchairs.
• Information was produced in a way that disabled people could not use.
• Attitudes and stereotypes about a disabled person prohibited a disabled person from having the same opportunities as an able bodied person.
• Special services were created that kept disabled people segregated and cut off from everybody.

Equality could then be achieved by:
• Constructing accessible buildings.
• Producing information in different ways.
• Challenging stereotypes.
• Ending services that were segregated.
• A disabled person having full civil rights under law.

The medical model of disability.

Under this model a disabled person was defined by their illness or medical condition. If they did not fit into society then they were institutionalised or kept isolated at home. A disabled person had no options over:

• What school they attended.
• What support they received.
• If they were allowed to work or not.
• What kind of work they could do.

Building designs were not accessible for wheelchairs therefore hindered aspects of social interaction, i.e. work, entertainment, school, transport, higher education and family.

Tracy x

ellaco 03-11-2012 12:27 PM

Great answer! Thank you you must put in a lot of research :With love:

morning_dew 07-24-2012 02:40 AM

Thank you so much for the outline. Such a great help :)

*JP* 10-02-2012 08:13 PM

Thank you Tracy you explained this so well :)

Curlz89 01-30-2014 10:33 PM

thank you tracy that has help me out loads x

kathjaydave 04-13-2014 03:17 PM

You lot are just fab

Air-head 05-25-2014 05:39 PM

Hi I am doing a similar guestion but mine asks how it them in all areas of development for a child with cerebral palsy

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