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Samleah 09-28-2008 03:09 PM

Help with 303 K3D217 Development chart 0 - 16 years CCLD NVQ Level 3
Hi everyone, :wave:

I'm new to this site, but have found loads of greats posts, so thought someone might be able to help me out please.

I'm stuck on the child development chart. I have to include 0-16 and cover a)physical dev b) communication, intellectual dev & learning c) social, emotional & behavioural dev. :banghead:

Just when I think I've found some info it's never enough or there's too much info! I don't even really know what I'm looking for tbh!

Any help would be appreciated - onto Theorists after this, oh the joy! :rotfl:


Ruthierhyme 09-28-2008 03:54 PM

Hi and welcome.

* New thread with link to a developemet chart excerpt

For more information wikipedia has an extensive section on development : Development stages

Enjoy Silkysteps


Samleah 09-28-2008 04:24 PM

Thank you!
Off to have a look now. Just spent two hours putting together info, but only got up to age 5. Begining to hate this course. Have to try and get finished by 15 November - I started last September - but have been without an assessor for about 7 months of that! So what do you think my chances are of fitting 8 units into a few weeks....:rotfl:

Anyway, thanks again!


Madlou 10-13-2008 07:39 PM

Hey Samleah

Dont know if you have finished your development chart yet - I have just had mine assessed. I found most of the info in the Miranda Walker book p63-76. There is no behavioral dev for under 1 year and you can do Communication and Intellectual as one heading and also Personal Social and Emotional as one unit. Also don't forget to show gross and fine motor skills for physical on your up to one year section.

Hope this helps and isn't too late to be of use..If I can offer any more help, just ask.

hazel2 10-17-2008 04:21 PM

i was given idea by someone who had covered this unit. they had projected a picture of a baby on the wall, traced it on to large paper and then wrote around the baby the stages of development under their headings, it looked really good.


springnat 10-17-2008 04:48 PM


Madlou 10-17-2008 05:39 PM

We were told that the chart had to be something that could go on the wall and be used as a quick reference guide to staff. Did mine as a chart with ages across the top and development headings down the side. Then used bullet points for each point and alternated the colours of each point between blue and black so that each point was easier to pick out. We also had to include 3-4 quotes in our charts which I did in italics in red type.

maccapacca 11-06-2008 02:48 PM

also need help with this unit but my tutor says we got to do 6 areas of learning instead of ones in criteria

maccapacca 11-08-2008 09:08 AM

been asked to do creative, physical, knowledge and understanding of world, personal,social,emotional, , communication,langauge,and literacy and problem solving,reasoning,and numeracy so thats 6 areas of learning for 4 age ranges:hissyfit: i don`t know why!! i need help fast before my head explodes

Madlou 11-08-2008 10:05 AM

Hmmmn - I was asked to do Physical, Communication,Intellectual/Cognitive, Personal, Social, Emotional & Behavioural for 0-1, 1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-12 and 13-16 years age groups. I linked Communication and Intellectual together and linked Personal, Social and Emotional together so I ended up with 4 headings for each of the age groups...I have no clue why your headings are so different - Are you doing CACHE or City & Guilds, maybe there is a difference in expectations of them?

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