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Kelbag 02-20-2019 03:59 PM

PSED Dissertation help please :)
Hi everyone!

Any help at all would be absolutely fabulous please! So I'm currently in the questionnaire stage. My questions have been approved, however, my tutor would like me to write a couple more to gain information for the following research question. Could anyone help please? Questionnaires are aimed at early years workers.

What impact does a child's state of emotional well-being have on their ability to learn?

Thank you for any help given :) Kel

MrsC81 04-03-2019 05:27 PM

Emotional well-being has a massive impact on a child's ability to learn, looking at the EYFS and development guidelines show how important it is to establish emotional resilience and be confident in each developmental stage.
As an example a child with attachment issues may really struggle to settle and struggle to feel secure enough to even begin a learning process. How can a child learn when their emotional state can only focus on the absence the primary attachment or the feelings of anxiety. (Bowlby/Ainsworth)

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