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Mrs Williams 01-11-2014 10:14 PM

Anyone else in their 50's doing the L3 course?
Hello - just wondered if there are any other people my age (I'm 56 and won't be finished until I'm 58!) doing the Level 3 Diploma? I've got behind because I missed the last week of the christmas term as my daughter had a uni interview so I've got to catch up on that, plus I've just got the H&S assignment which is huge - I feel like chucking it all in.

I'm finding it hard juggling everything - disabled husband, 18 year old daughter (lots of taxi-ing), the course one night plus the assignments. I'm also given the teaching assistant tasks at my placement. I'm in school every morning from 8.30 am until 12 noon.

I can't decide whether to ask the headmistress if I can stay on without doing the training and just carry on as a volunteer, I do love being with the children, it's just I am finding it so hard to do all the written work, can't seem to get it down in my own words and spend ages reading lots of different information then it's midnight. Think it's just my age?

bal kaur 01-11-2014 11:17 PM

im also in my late 40,with teenagers , this is my fourth attempt and im doing the h&s ASSIGNMEN. I had to get a LOAN before their was funding in the early years, but I hate assignments and the work load but I beg god please give me the strength to finish this do not give up I think its never too is wealth, and children's well being depends on wisdom we never stop learning..

Fiona5 01-12-2014 05:21 AM

in 40s

I m in my mid 40s and am struggling with work, kids, and myself being disabled. It s not easy and I ve just started the course and am wondering WHY did I start it? The course wouldn t be so bad if you didn t have to master how to send it all using a computer.... I m at my wits end... :dizzy:

Mrs Williams 01-12-2014 11:14 AM

Thanks so much for your replies. Most of my angst about this is because I stupidly copied some sentences from the development chart in my book and got the whole of Unit 1 back to check I hadn't 'used any other words' from the book. So hard to put things into your own words when the book uses the words you would use. I had offered my work every week but my tutor didn't take it until week 8, she kept saying wait until we've finished the unit. Now I've got the whole lot back to check, plus all the new assignments.

I don't think it would be so bad if the course was useful - I go from 4-7 on a Wednesday night. The other students are doing L2 and Early years and I haven't got a L3 to talk to there, and because the class is mixed, the teacher talks very generally about the unit. We don't get any handouts or web page info so I'm spending all my free time at home searching the net. I can't afford another book. I'm also behind with my ILP as I hadn't realised it was supposed to be done every week, have to catch up on that.

I was thinking of doing it on line instead but worried now Fiona5 - why is it hard to send it?

Fiona5 01-12-2014 01:02 PM

I am living in the UAE, working in an International School and trying to juggle family life with studying. I have no classes to attend, so I only have the forums really to help me, my tutor is great but I feel I shouldn t be asking for too much help, that s the impression I get. When I first got my folder and manual I was baffled, as I had not studied since the late 1980s. I am still baffled. I ve just found out that I have to send in a 'plan' of what I am currently working my way through, then send it in to Ecordia for that to be approved, then I send in my actual coursework in the timescale I put on my 'plan'. I can t see me getting through this by the end of October. The only thing I can do is work for 2 hours after work every night then work through all my holidays. Just to write down what is already in the flippin' manual..... Aaaargh!!!! I just hope it s all worth it and that I can get a job in the UK when I come home.

Mrs Williams 01-12-2014 03:03 PM

Well Fiona5 and bal kaur you have inspired me to carry on, thank you very much for replying. I'm sitting in the kitchen with everything laid out on the table and have told the family I'm sorry but it's a microwave meal today on their laps while I get sorted out.
I am going to try to do a few hours a night but it's so hard in the winter and my study area is really cramped, I need to do something about it.
When did you start Fiona5 - I started in September 2013 and have been told it continues until April 2015? The college year here is 38 weeks. Apparently I could try to do the optional units on my own and finish sooner - which I probably will.

Good luck to all of us and there are lots of jobs in the UK Fiona5 - even in the north where I am located. Happy New Year!

claire2004heath 01-12-2014 03:07 PM

Hi Fiona I have just looked at your post and I have just started the 1st assignment level 3, so far so good.
A cheeky question to you please. I may have a chance of a stay in Abu Dhabi this year with my husband going over there to work. Would you have any contacts for me to gain any employment whilst there on my husbands visa, any help would be appreciated. thanks. good luck with the modules and I will post any thing that may help as I work through it


tutu 01-12-2014 03:56 PM

one of the reasons you are finding it hard is that you have chosen a one evening course. this course is meant to be full time i.e. 3 days a week and believe me people struggle with that even when they have done the level 2. if you don't get good teaching and time to process and discuss things then you make it tougher on yourself. my students do loads of assessed work in class so less to do at home but you choose what you choose!

Mrs Williams 01-12-2014 04:11 PM

Thanks tutu - I feel a bit silly now. I'm only on the course because I met my friend on the beach in august and she said have you looked at the adult ed courses for september, I'm thinking of doing something. I came home, found the course and went along for enrolment without even considering/researching the possibility of doing it full time. We are very rural and our local college is 15 miles away - I would have found it hard to afford the diesel.

A lovely young girl has just started at my school and she is doing the course full time - I really feel for her this week, she''s got to be at the bus stop at 7 am and it's so dark and frosty. Poor thing also caught the norovirus just before half term and was very poorly.

I'm going to start cutting corners everywhere I can to find more time to research and get my work done and try my hardest to get through. Back to assignment 2 now .... :)

Mrs Williams 01-12-2014 10:25 PM

Well, I've managed to check, improve and reprint the 31 pages of Unit 1 today and have a square bottom from sitting here nearly all day - thanks for the encouragement!

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