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kitty123 03-28-2009 09:50 PM

help with eyfs and weather topic please
hi girls :cheerful:
work in a pre sch :thumbsup:
chose topic on weather great but now i need to list the eyfs and put a learning outcome with all 6 stages ie;

* Com, lan ,and lit - read books about the weather
* Knowledge and understanding of the world - talk about different types of weather

any help or ideas really welcome
very new to all of this
help on where i can get info or help would be fab :highfive::highfive::thumbsup:

many thanks

hoppers100 03-28-2009 10:18 PM

Are these links any good for you?

PSED ~ what clothes do we wear in what weather?
PD ~ run around and use ribbons in the wind.
CD ~ sing songs relating to the weather ~ see website above.
PSRN ~ make a rain gauge and measure the rainfall.

hth :D

kitty123 03-29-2009 01:14 PM

:applause::applause: welldone gr8 help :D:D
any more ideas on activities please :sarcastic
thinkin makin wind chimes :idea:
not sure wot wiv yet :banghead:

any sites that might come in handy helpin me with ;
writin observations
child trackin
eyfs linkin activities with all the 6 learnin areas

would be really greatfull
many thanks :cheerful::cheerful::D

xxclairexx 03-29-2009 02:05 PM

ask for ideas off the chldren's parents.

u could use old wind chimes and get the children 2 paint them their favourite colour and add things to them

DizzyDora 03-29-2009 04:00 PM

Rainfall measuring
Not done it since i was a kid but you cut a pop bottle in half and turn the top bit upside down and fit it in the bottom bit.

xxclairexx 03-29-2009 04:12 PM

do a weather chart where the children have 2 write down every day wat the weather is doing or use a picture chart if children are not able to write or use both

also if u can get access to the software called "my world" there is activities on there 2 do wit weather eg- a weather chart where the children can put the different types of weather on the map of uk. eg- there is a sun icon, a cloud icon, snow etc

SomeoneSpecial 03-29-2009 07:24 PM

make rain shakers from rice and bottles

make up a simple rain dance

do sun window pictures using the coloured clear stuff and black card or sticky back plastic-get the children to decorate the sticky bit with sequins and glitter etc then you cut out a window in black card and stick the plastic to it. when hung in the window the sun shines through.

fancy dress area-wellies rain coat, sun hat etc

make snow men out of cotton wool for easter or make snow flakes-cut a circle into paper fold it in half twice and cut bits out then decorate

circle time about holidays was it hot?

books about animals in cold places where it snows-penguins etc

insy wincy spider song-rain and sun
insy wincy spider song snow version:
insy wincy spider climbed up a tree down came the snow and made the spider freeze, out came the sun and melted all the snow so incy wincy spider had another go.

pitter patter raindrops song.

welly printing

freeze a tupperwear full of water with a toy animal in get the children to watch it melt throughout the day

flash cards of the sun, etc

guessing game where you draw a picture they have to guess what it is.

hope these help

kitty123 03-29-2009 09:28 PM

wow loads of crackin ideas
cheers girls :With love::With love:

xxclairexx 03-29-2009 09:30 PM

do you like mine?

i did these for my placement when our toipc was weather

children were aged 3-5 years

they found it very exciting

kitty123 04-06-2009 09:17 AM

all sorted ta girls :thumbsup::thumbsup:

act 1 - gonna make kites ......
probably just cut out diamond shape let them decorate then when dry add somr ribbon or strting :idea::idea: any other suggestions :highfive:

act 2 - weather collage ???????? thinkin of givin them plain white sheet of paper then av cotton wool 4 clouds
tin foil 4 rain n puddles
yellow tissue paper 4 sunshine
lots of other colours 4 rainbow

let them make there own pic ??
how does that sound ?
again any help advice ideas suggestions please feel free :D:D:D
:With love::With love: enjoy ur hols xxxx

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