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tlr.x 12-21-2011 09:17 PM

Standard 1, Area of Knowledge 1.. question D
Question is:

Think about the service standards and codes of practice in you work. Can you describe them? Try putting them in your own words so that it makes better sense to you.

As this question is under the 'Principles and Values' area, would service standards and codes of practice be things such as equality and diversity/confidentiality etc.. Another thread on this but the answer is about EYFS and to me this question wouldn't make sense in this area if it was the case.. Confused!

Also, anyone doing or have done the induction workbook, how long were you given by your assessor? I was emailed the documents on the 5th of Dec, however considering the sheer amount of questions and that my assessor is on holiday from the 14th of Dec - 3rd of Jan.. so is 'unable' to answer texts/emails/phonecalls until then.. AND the added stress of Christmas and only having 2 days holiday between then and New Year, in your opinion is it acceptable/fair/do-able that I need to have this work and various other small tasks done by the 3rd of Jan, when he is coming to my workplace to collect the work and issue me with more? It just seems like a hell of a workload with no help what so ever and with little time to do it in!

Thanks for any advice:banghead:

discod 01-10-2012 08:26 PM

Il check that question and get back to you.As for the standards we had around 4 months so I wouldn't worry.Any help you need just shout xxx

tlr.x 01-14-2012 06:13 PM

Thanks discod.

He was really 'disappointed' that we didn't have this workbook finished within the month! Still stuck on a few of the questions but it's like pulling teeth trying to get answers from him, so any help is appreciated! :)

Mockingbird 01-29-2012 08:38 PM

I had 6 months to finish it.. it took me just longer than that though.

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